Community Programs

Promoting resilience and reducing the prevalence and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on children, families and communities.


Community Programs encompass SCAN’s prevention programs and initiatives at the community, state, and organizational level. These programs are focused on the primary and secondary prevention of child maltreatment through the advancement of protective factors and trauma-informed approaches in organizations, communities, and systems.


Activities of SCAN’s Community Programs Include:

Trainings and Consultations:

Community Programs staff provide expert training and consultation to a wide variety of organizations; systems such as schools, healthcare, child welfare, behavioral health; and communities throughout the Greater Richmond region and across Virginia. Topics include prevention, trauma informed practice, professional wellness, and building resilience.

Community Programs offers regular FREE public trainings throughout the year.  Continuing Education credits are available for some of these trainings as well. To view the list of upcoming trainings and register, click the button below.

Stay informed about all upcoming training and screening events by signing up for our monthly email list.

Special Campaigns, Events, and State-Level Prevention Work

Community Programs staff lead organizational, regional, and statewide special events and prevention programming, such as Resilience Week; Black HIS-Story Week; and the Caregiver Advocacy Series. During National Child Abuse Prevention Month each April, SCAN develops a campaign and distributes resources and information connected to the annual prevention theme; works with the community to create Pinwheels for Prevention Gardens; and coordinates Prevent-a-thon, a week during which staff train as many people as possible in Stewards of Children at no cost.

The Director of Community Programs and several additional SCAN staff are active contributors to multiple state committees, including: Racial Truth & Reconciliation Virginia Coalition, VDSS State Child Fatality Review Committee, Linking Systems of Care, VDH Injury Violence Prevention Steering Committee, Governor’s Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup, Campaign for Trauma-Informed Practice and Policy (CTIPP), Three Branch, FACT Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Committee (among others).

The Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GRTICN):

The Greater Richmond TICN was formed in the fall of 2012 and is currently comprised of over 500 members from more than 160 different organizations. The GRTICN aims to build a more equitable, safe, trauma-informed, and resilient community by informing, supporting, and elevating the Greater Richmond (VA) region. GRTICN’s mission is driven by the following priorities: preventing and mitigating the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); advancing trauma-informed practice and policies; and advocating for trauma-informed system change.

Visit the GRTICN webpage here.

Virginia’s Trauma-Informed Community Networks (VA TICNs):

The Program Impact Specialist serves as the interim state coordinator for the network of TICNs that exist across the state. This includes providing support, training and technical assistance to help communities develop and sustain trauma-informed community networks in their region. SCAN convenes and facilitates bi-monthly meetings of the VA TICNs and distributes a bi-weekly eNote.

Visit the VA TICNs webpage here.